Hello Parents!
We are very excited about our winter teaching series on King Hezekiah's work to lead the nation of Judah through spiritual reform (revival). Please share the video below with your children and share the pre-flection questions with them prior to each Sunday's sermon. THANKS! #ReviveUsAgain
Pre-flection is a strategy to enhance learning and engagement. It is also reflecting on something before it has happened or is presented.
25 years old
The southern kingdom of Judah (not the northern kingdom of Israel)
While Ahaz was wicked and led the nation into idolatry, Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of God and led reform (revival) in the nation of Judah.
Revival is a return of God's people to the heart of God. It is the restoration of the joy of our salvation. [See Psalm 51:12]
Hezekiah trusted God and remained to the Lord in everything. He carefully obeyed God's commands.
See 2 Kings 20:5-6
The answers to the following question can be found in the sermon on Sunday, January 19, 2025. If necessary, click here to see Lesson 1.
Because of his wickedness he was not buried in the royal tomb of the kings of Israel.
29 years
He reopened the doors of the temple and reestablished the Levitical priesthood.
Moses used the bronze serpent to heal the Israelites in the wilderness. Unfortunately, the people of God began to worship the serpent.
Traditions connect generations, passes down values, and preserves culture. They are markers of identity and emotional anchors. They honor those who came before us.
The answers to the following question can be found in the sermon on Sunday, January 26, 2025. The context of the message is 2 Chronicles 30. (The answers will be added after 4 PM.)
The Exodus (God delivering Israel from more than 400 years of bondage in Egypt)
"Double fruit"
"God has caused my to forget my troubles"
Because King Hezekiah prayed for them and God healed them.
The restoration of the joy of our salvation
Bright Star Baptist Church 3330 Meriwether Rd
Bright Star Baptist Church 3330 Meriwether Rd
Bright Star Baptist Church 3330 Meriwether Rd
Girls - All Black (top and bottom)
Boys - White top/ black bottom
Arrival time 2:00 pm
Bright Star Baptist Church 3330 Meriwether Rd
After church
Heritage Month check-in
After church
All Youth NEEDED
Heritage Month Presentation
All Youth NEEDED
Choir Rehearsal
Heritage Month Practice
8200 Saint Vincent Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana 71106
318-869-7378 (REST)
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